Manuel Cornely
LWA – Lipedema World Alliance
Manuel Eugen Cornely regularly speaks at national and international conferences, promotes interdisciplinary exchange of information with renowned lymphology specialists and scientists and organized the annual “”Plenum Lymphologicum”” at Bonn-Bad Godesberg He studied philosophy and medicine at the University of Cologne and began his professional career as a ward physician specializing in septic surgery and wound healing. In 1997 he set up his own practice as a dermatologist in Düsseldorf and Cologne, specializing in conservative and operative lymphology. 1997 Developed Lymphological Liposculpture for surgical treatment of lipohyperplasia dolorosa (LiDo), secondary and primary lymphedema. Founded Professional Association of Lymphologists e. V. (BVL) to promote medical training in lymphology “”Curriculum Lymphological Continuing Education”” Convent C (BVL). 2006 Awarded honorary professorship for lymphology teaching and consulting at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico 2009 Special advisor for lymphology of the Professional Association of German Dermatologists (BVDD) 2013 Foundation of the specialized clinic for operative lymphology CG LYMPHA 2017 Foundation of the lymphological research institute LY. SEARCH GmbH with him as scientific director. Recent studies: LIPLEG – Study “”QST LiDo Study”” to explore the phenomenon of pain “”HDBA-LiDo Study”” to develop a treatment algorithm for a coincidence of obesity and LiDo. “”LF PST Questionnaire””